"The visible reality we see in the Sacraments is their outward expression, the form they take, and the way in which they are administered and received. The invisible reality we cannot "see" is God's grace, his gracious initiative in redeeming us through the death and Resurrection of his Son. His initiative is called grace because it is the free and loving gift by which he offers people a share in his life, and shows us his favor and will for our salvation. Our response to the grace of God's initiative is itself a grace or gift from God by which we can imitate Christ in our daily lives."
The Sacraments are visible, tangible signs of God’s grace in our lives. God created us as physical beings and he desires to share his love and mercy with us in a way that is experiential, not just spiritual. So God comes to us through these holy Sacraments not just to engage our hearts, our minds, and our souls, but also our physical senses... We see the beauty of a Marriage ceremony; We feel the cleansing waters of Baptism; We smell the aroma of the chrism oil at Confirmation; We taste the bread which conceals Christ in the Eucharist; We hear the words of absolution during Reconciliation.
The Sacraments have both a visible and invisible reality – a reality open to all the human senses but only fully understood with the eyes of faith. When parents hug their children, for example, the visible reality we see is the hug. The invisible reality the hug conveys is love. We cannot "see" the love the hug expresses, though sometimes we can see its nurturing effect in the child. It is the same with God's grace in us.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Church recognizes the existence of Seven Sacraments instituted by Jesus. They are:
The Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist)
The Sacraments of Healing (Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick)
The Sacraments at the Service of Communion (Marriage and Holy Orders)
Through the Sacraments, God shares his grace and holiness with us so that we, in turn, can make the world holier. To learn more about the Sacraments or how to prepare for them, see the links in the side nav or contact our office at SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church (810) 688-3797 or [email protected] .