The beginning of the parish dates back to 1906 when Mr. Theodore Heenan brought the Episcopalian church in North Branch. The deed was given to Most Reverend John Foley, bishop of Detroit. The church was remodeled, and Father Peter Esper was appointed pastor in 1913. SS. Peter & Paul officially became a parish with St. Patrick in Clifford as a mission.
With Father Charles Zeeb as pastor, a new church and rectory were built in 1978 to meet the modern needs of the growing parish. These new buildings were completed in early 1979, and the dedication of the new church building was on March 25, 1979.
In 1981, SS. Peter & Paul parish celebrated its 75th anniversary in the new building. Father Jude Ellinghausen was pastor from 1986 to 2002. Father Richard Treml, our current pastor, arrived in 2002 to date. SS. Peter & Paul parish celebrated its centennial in 2006. The three parishes of SS. Peter & Paul, St. Patrick Chapel in Clifford, and St. Mary in Burnside clustered in 2003 to present. On July 1, 2021 SS. Peter & Paul, St. Patrick's Chapel, St. Mary's Burnside and Sacred Heart, Brown City became Northern Lapeer County Family of Parishes.
6645 Washington St, North Branch, MI 48461
Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. (until heard)
Pastor: Rev. Richard L. Treml
Associate Pastor: Fr. Sama Muma
Senior Priest: Fr. Larry Delonnay
Deacon: Deacon Pete Lynch
Parish Office Phone: (810) 688-3797
Parish Office Fax: (810) 688-2969
Keenan Hall Phone: (810) 688-8343
Office Staff:
Barb Sinka (Manager)
Paula Kaniut (Bookeeper)
Margaret Almand (Secretary)
Lisa Juip (Sacred Heart Secretary)
Denise Edwards (Bulletin Editor deadline is Tuesday at noon)
Pam Orr (Webmaster)
Pastoral Ministers & Catechetical Resources Contacts:
(810) 688-3797
Marriages: Must arrange six months in advance call (810) 688-3797 for appointment with pastor.
Baptisms: Call parish office at (810) 688-3797 for appointment.
Preparation class and parish registration required.
Office Hours:
Mon thru Thurs. 9am-4pm.
Wednesday evenings 4-7pm (Winter)
(closed for lunch daily 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
Friday closed