June 5, 2011 St. Patrick’s parishioners and families celebrated 125 years as a Catholic Community. The Celbration Mass was made extra special as Bishop Vigneron officiated along with our very own Father Richard Treml.
One interesting detail is that the parish started before the church building was even there. In 1879 the pastor of Gagetown, Fr. Clement Krebs, began saying Mass inside family homes in Corrigan, Oberle, Shay, Sullivan, Haley, Michler, Kelly, Diegel, and Day to name a few.
The folks that formed St. Patrick's commnunity were dedicated parishioners then and still are today. Members began planning years in advance for this 125th celebration by installing new carpet, professionally cleaning and restoring the 1896 Stations of the Cross and pews back to their original beauty, along with a new kitchen built by the men’s club.
9851 Main Street - Clifford, MI
Call for an appointment (810) 688 3797
Pastor: Rev. Richard L. Treml
Associate Pastor: Fr. Sama Muma
Senior Priest: Fr. Larry Delonnay
Deacon: Deacon Pete Lynch
Parish Office Phone: (810) 688-3797
Parish Office Fax: (810) 688-2969
E-mail: [email protected]
Keenan Hall Phone: (810) 688-8343
Office Staff:
Barb Sinka (Manager)
Paula Kaniut (Bookeeper)
Margaret Almand (Secretary)
Lisa Juip (Sacred Heart Secretary)
Denise Edwards (Bulliten Editor deadline is Tuesday at noon)
Pam Orr (Webmaster)
Pastoral Ministers & Catechetical Resources Contacts:
(810) 688-3797
Marriages: Must arrange six months in advance call (810) 688-3797 for appointment with pastor.
Baptisms: Call parish office at (810) 688-3797 for appointment.
Preparation class and parish registration required.
Office Hours:
Mon thru Thurs. 9am-4pm.
Wednesday evenings 4-7pm (Winter)
(closed for lunch daily 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.)
Friday closed